Katherine Law


Energy, Enthusiasm & Compassion

Volunteering at the Himalayan Hope Home has been the most humbling experience of my life. I was taken in as a fellow sister and learned the true meaning of family. These girls have been given the hardest possible start in life and despite everything they have been through, they get an opportunity to get an education, receive proper clothes and meals, and above all they are welcomed me to properly describe the experience I have had been but I will say it is not for the faint of heart.

The work here is truly about the girls. How can you make their lives easier? What are they not getting that they need? How can you love them better? It requires a lot of energy and enthusiasiam but mostly compassion. The lessons I learned from teachers both big and small are some of the most important I have learned in my life thus far and I am eternally grateful to The Small World and it’s the beautiful girls at the Himalayan Hope Home.

Katharine Law

Boulder Colorado USA